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Export Requirements ECCN 6A995




SemiNex products under ECCN 6A995 are restricted by Anti-Terrorism (AT1) per Commerce Control List, Supplement No.1 to Part 774.  We follow the questions below to determine what paperwork is required for ordering this part.


Question 1: 

Would you like to import SemiNex product to one of the countries clear of (unrestricted by) AT1 in the Commerce Control Country Chart, Supplement No.1 to Part 738?



Yes – Then NO paperwork is required.  End here.

No – Go on to Question 2.


Question 2:  

Would you like to import SemiNex product to one of the countries restricted by AT1 in the Commerce Control Country Chart, Supplement No.1 to Part 738?



Yes – Then complete BIS-711, email form to orders@seminex.com.  End here.


The information presented herein is based on information from the US Government. SemiNex is not responsible for a misunderstanding or change to US Law that impacts the ability of SemiNex to ship products. In all cases SemiNex will follow applicable US Law regardless of what is contained or understood in this document.