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Supplier Code of Conduct



SemiNex Corporation is committed to the fundamental values of integrity, fairness, mutual respect, teamwork, and innovation. We base our culture on these values, which are practiced every day in everything we do.


SemiNex expects our suppliers to commit to high standards in ethics, business integrity, human rights, protection of information, health and safety, and environmental management. Our goal is to ensure that SemiNex does business with partners who operate with the highest ethical standards and have a record of law-abiding conduct. SemiNex’s Supplier Code of Conduct Policy


Conflict Minerals

SemiNex products, like many other high-tech companies' products, contain various metals purchased from third-party vendors and originate from all over the world. These metals include tin, tantalum, tungsten, and gold (“conflict minerals”). These metals have been labeled “conflict minerals” because they may be sourced, in part, from the conflict-laden Democratic Republic of Congo and adjoining countries, and because some of the trading of these metals is believed to be funding the illegal armed groups responsible for the conflict there.


SemiNex is committed to responsible sourcing of conflict minerals and related legal compliance, including the due diligence and disclosure requirements relating to the manufacturing of SemiNex products. The company conducts annual due diligence of its suppliers to determine the sourcing of the conflict minerals in its products and confirm there is no evidence that the conflict minerals in our products funded conflict.


SemiNex will not knowingly source any conflict minerals from sources that fund conflict. If SemiNex due diligence reveals that any of our suppliers have provided SemiNex with goods or metals that funded conflict, SemiNex will seek alternative sources for such goods or metals.


Supply Chain Human Rights

SemiNex expects its suppliers to adhere to global human rights principles, including freedom of association, right to organize, abolition of forced labor, elimination of child labor, equality and antidiscrimination rights, and provision of legally mandated employee benefits. As a company that must deliver reliable and high-technology products to our customers and end-users, SemiNex requires our suppliers to maintain highly trained personnel and best-in-class processes so SemiNex can meet all customer requirements.


To meet these objectives, SemiNex implemented policies, including SemiNex’s Anti-Human Trafficking Policy


Whistleblower Complaint Report in Case of Legal Violations (Including Human Rights Violations and Environmental Risks)

SemiNex requires all employees, officers, suppliers, and business partners to comply with all applicable laws and regulations in the performance of their activities. SemiNex is committed to protecting human rights and treating all individuals fairly, including employees of SemiNex's global suppliers. SemiNex recognizes that protecting the environment is a high priority and requires that all waste products and hazardous materials are stored, treated, and disposed of in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.


SemiNex takes compliance with the law seriously. Any person who has learned of or knows of conduct by a SemiNex employee, officer, supplier, or business partner that he or she believes violates any applicable law or regulation – including, but not limited to, human rights and environmental regulations – is strongly encouraged to report such suspected violation to SemiNex.


All complaints will be handled by neutral parties who will maintain the confidentiality of the complainant in accordance with SemiNex's whistleblower policy. SemiNex's policy strictly prohibits retaliation against whistleblowers who have filed complaints in good faith as part of these proceedings. SemiNex reviews the effectiveness of its reporting process annually or as required.


Customers, suppliers, business partners, and employees who wish to file complaints that do not involve violations of laws or regulations should contact their SemiNex business contact or SemiNex’s Human Resources Manager at HR@seminex.com