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1625nm Laser Diodes




What is a 1625nm Diode Laser?


A laser diode is made when an semiconductor’s electrical properties are altered by introducing impurities to the surface of a crystal wafer.  When semiconductor layers meet, charge carriers combine and the electrical current in the laser’s energy is released as photons.


SemiNex 1625 nm (1.625µm) InP laser diodes produce light in the infrared area of the spectrum. This wavelength is used in a variety of applications requiring high power stable IR radiation.


Applications of a 1625nm Diode Laser


  • OTDR Instruments
  • Telecommunications
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Optical Time-domain Reflectometers


In optical communication systems it is often necessary to test fiber while the optical link is carrying live traffic. In order to minimize the impact of testing, leading edge OTDR manufactures use 1625 nm lasers for testing in the optical supervisory window. These instruments capture scattered light or light reflected back from the imperfection in the fiber link, connector, or splice.


1625nm Lasers in Data Communication


Aside from the large amount of traffic passed along telecom fibers, data centers need expanded wavelengths to communicate.  Multimode fibers, optical amplifiers and regenerators all communicate at wavelengths outside normal traffic windows.  1625 is ideal due to the transmission properties of optical fiber.  Single Mode 1625 lasers are ideal for these applications.


Visit the 1625 nm Product Finder for more information on SemiNex’s product offerings in this wavelength, and detailed information about each product.





